There is something so peaceful about morning in the barn. The air is crisp and cool. The animals have just woken up and are quietly waiting for hay. Morning is my favorite time at the farm.

After taking hay to the goats and horses, feeding the chickens, guineas and ducks, and making sure everyone's water is plentiful and not frozen, we start the task of mucking stalls. The work is purely physical, leaving much room for quiet contemplation. I start about the task of sifting through the stalls and am surrounded by the sound of horses chewing away at their breakfast. The birds begin their wintery song and all seems right with the world.
Hope you have a good day! From Meg and the cats xxx
I'm off to browse the rest of your blogs, thank you for visiting mine and leaving a comment. I've found some very special people in Blogland, and I am counting my blessings :)
Kim x