The Hank Report...The Terror Continues

Looking down the barrel 

of a highly specialized,

very sophisticated

piece of artillery...

my only defense against...

a maniacal flogging rooster.

in the sights

of my trusty

Super Soaker.
It's the only way I can safely get
any farm chores done.
Otherwise, I remain

If you happen to see my Hubbs....
make sure you ask him
about the flogging he received 
this past Sunday.

Aggressive rooster...primal fear...bad language...

Not a pretty sight.

Oh yea....he says...
"I wasn't afraid, I was establishing dominance!"

(Too much testosterone around here if you ask me.)


Anke said…
You are a much better person than I am. I love animals, I really really do, but Hank would have been chicken stock by now... Does the super soaker work?
Bee Haven Bev said…
Yes, amazingly, the super soaker does long as you have it with you at all times!
That's what you need to do, show dominance, are leader of the rooster and the hens!
Whatever you do, don't turn your back on a big bad bird!
Anonymous said…
That's the trick..walk softly and carry a big super soaker!! Glad to see you are well armed.
Unknown said…
Love it!!!! I am still laughing!! Poor hubby!
Kessie said…
Oh gosh, you just made my day. I've had mean roosters before, and never thought to use a super soaker! Usually I just carried a big stick.
Anonymous said…
And I was left in the gator with nothing to protect me but Mollie...while Hank was circling!!!! I'm not particularly interested in establishing dominence :)
countrynmore said…
You would think that after several hits from the super soaker, Hank would have learned by now. I am sorry that you have to resort to a defensive mode in order to do your chores.
Katmom said…
hahaha! Poor Jack...
Have you discussed this matter with TomTom...can't he & his "Posse" do anything!?!