
We are in the midst of a major snow event.  It has been snowing for over 30 hours and may not stop until tomorrow morning!  And with the current weather conditions, I don't believe the groundhog would be able to see anything, much less his shadow.  Any way you look at it... there's still a little over six weeks until spring.

Here, on the farm, everyone spends their snow days differently.

Some, like the chickens and the pigs, mostly stay inside where it's dry and toasty warm.

Others prefer full immersion... sort of an "if you can't beat it, join it" attitude.

I tried to get the ducks to go into their house, where the guineas are staying for now,

but, they'd have no part of it and immediately went right back out in the snow.

 I  may have mentioned once or twice before... sheep are a little bit lazy and a whole lot filthy.          

 So, true to form...lying in the snow,

 means pooping where you are.  

Don't worry, I brush the accumulated snow off their backs at regular intervals.  You'd think they'd have the sense to use their houses and stay out of the snow.  I guess when you have a full-body wool parka that is impervious to anything, you just don't give a hoot about snow on your back... or, for that matter, poop beneath your rump!

On days such as this, there's no getting out of work... and there's lots of work to do.  On top of the normal animal chores, there's lots of snow removal and shoveling to be done.

We shovel paths for the animals to get to water and feed... except for the pigs, who are excellent snow plows.  

They're so good at plowing their way out to the treat box,

 I am starting to think I should use them to plow out the rest of the animals!  That sure would save us a lot of manual labor!

After the afternoon work was done, I settled back into the house by the fire, with a delicious blueberry/kale smoothie.  I know... you'd think a hot cup of tea would be the beverage of choice after being out in the snow!

Amongst yesterday's blog comments was a question regarding the aerator that is bubbling away in our pond... keeping it from freezing completely... it is electric.


jaz@octoberfarm said…
how much did you get? we got at least 8 inches so i'm sure you have more! i am totally enjoying this!
Marcia LaRue said…
It's Groundhog Day and ... poor Phil saw his shadow this morning! Hmmmm ... that had to be before the snow commenced! So ... 6 more weeks of what we'd normally get anyway! LOL
We are looking at a 63° day and a 39° night! Looks to be a clear and sunny day all day long! Ahhh ... but in a couple days or so ... we may be getting some of that white stuff, too! Just not as much as you are currently getting!
Stay in, stay warm, stay well!!!
This N That said…
Phil always sees his shadow..Yesterday was legitimate but usually, he has so many spot lights on him he has to cast a shadow..Yes, snow makes for a lot more work only because of Mollie and that's only one animal..
Hope all is well at BHA...Hugs
What a beautiful snowy day at your place. Love it!!!
dustbunny8 said…
If you used some Ritz crackers as payment I'm sure the girls would be happy to plow paths for you! It looks pretty when you don't have to work in it.
Lynne said…
Love your 30+ hours of snow . . .
No massive snowfalls for us this year, only a few mini snowfalls!
Blueberry smoothie sounds wonderful!