
Happy Mother's Day from Bee Haven Acres!

We found this nest high in the scaffolding outside our second story. The mother robin flew off as I leaned out the window to take the picture.

But like us....she does not let her brood out of her sight, and takes tender care of her babies, until they are ready to leave the nest. Just like with robins, sometimes we have the joy of nudging our children out of the nest and sometimes we suffer the pain of watching them fall from the nest. But with its joys and its sorrows, Motherhood still remains the most precious blessing that life has to offer.

To my fledglings, who have left the nest...I love you...Mother's Day is a special time to remember all of the joys that you have brought me over the years. To my Mother...special thanks for giving me wings and teaching me to always fly high, land softly and sing sweetly.

Happy Mothers Day to all the wonderful mothers who spend each day watching over their nest.


Deere Driver said…
Beautifully said...Happy Mother's Day!
Patti said…
Nice picture! Happy Mother's day. I love your blog....I believe we are just across the river from you...we are in Millersburg! I love your farm and I love your new log home..keep posting those pictures!
Unknown said…
Happy Mothers Day to my dear friend!! Lovely thoughts on the blog today!
Bonne said…
Happy Mother's Day!! Hope you enjoyed a pleasant day with all your 4-legged chil'ins as well. lol
hugs, B